
The smART studio at DeWitt Middle School emphasizes three main tenets; creating and learning through design process thinking (studio habits of mind), thoughtful verbal and written reflection on Visual Language and it's conversation with the self and humanity, and connections between each other and the world outside our school environment.

So, find your interest and feed the curiosity! Investigate, explore, sketch, create, review, revise, inspire, be inspired and create again. The cycle of learning—the cycle of design—is more than a privilege, it's the pathway to understanding. Through the Arts we cultivate self-directed, self-motivated habits of mind that lead us through a life-long pursuit of learning and participating in society.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

8th Grade Upload Instructions.

Hello 8th graders!! You did an AWESOME job working on your stop-motion animation stories!! I can't wait to see them complete. I know they will all be fantastic—despite having to finish much of the editing without me!! You ROCK!

To finish up your project, your team must complete the upload challenge!

1. Use iMovie to EXPORT your video into a quicktime video format. (go to Share/Export/Quicktime)

2. Upload your quicktime video to my YouTube channel by emailing it to: cnnz5vkad4v3@m.youtube.com

3. Double check that the upload was completed by viewing your stop-motion animation on the YouTube channel! (search YouTube for StudioVanderMaas)

4. Celebrate your Super Coolness for having completed the assignment!! (and b/c there is only 5 or 6 weeks of middle school left :-))

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Stop Motion Animation!

Check out some of the 'practice' videos 8th graders made during our Stop-Mo Animation unit!! I can't wait to see the final projects!

Friday, February 1, 2013

STUDENT WORK: Perspective Drawing

Great job 8th graders on using one-oint perspective drawing while creating your environment!!

Friday, January 11, 2013

One Point Perspective

To build skills that help you draw the environments that interest you, many artist study one-point perspective drawing. Check out the tutorial video I found on YouTube as well as some of the student work below.

Remember.... make it your own!! What kind of world interests you!!


(This is TWO point perspective, but it's a great example of making an interesting and unique drawing!!)

AND FINALLY some awesome work by artist Ben Heine. (of course w/ one-point perspective!)

We aren't working with Two-point perspective, but if you are interested in teaching yourself there are many, many examples and tutorials. Here are a few videos...

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Big Ideas: Andy Goldsworthy

I'm constantly impressed and inspired by the insight of my classes. Today, the seventh graders had some great thoughts to share. We've been watching a video and discussing the 'Big Ideas' of artists Andy Goldsworthy. When asked to fill out a quick 'exit ticket' describing something they've learned during our discussions, the students responded with:

"He gains confidence every time a sculpture is wrecked."

"He appreciates life, and works with nature."

"He seems to have a depth to his work"

"If he doesn't do work he feels 'rootless'"

"Art takes perseverance"

"It takes time to do everything"

"Perseverance pays off"

"Understand the meaning or connection of your work"

"Be in touch with what you're working on"

"He has a sadness to him that he uses to make his work"

"Time changes his artwork and makes it more interesteing"

"Have confidence in your artwork"

"Passion is everything"

These individuals are AMAZING!!